Dwarf Essex Rapeseed

  • Succulent, leafy & quick-growing
  • Rapid, vigorous growth; low cost, and high seeds/lb
  • Performs better than radishes for aerial application in dry soil conditions
  • Will likely winterkill in Upper Midwest

Seeding: 4-7 lbs/acre at ¼” to ½” deep. Drill or increase rate to broadcast seed.


Dwarf Essex Rapeseed
Performance Table
Species NameDrilledBroadcast/AerialIn MixApprox. Seeds/lbSeeding Date RangeSeeding DepthWinter Kill
Dwarf Essex Rapeseed4-77-91-2145,000March-May, July-Sept¼ - ½ inchYes
Cover Crop Radish (Daikon)6-88-92-325,000Aug-Sept¼ - ½ inchYes
Carwoodi Oilseed Radish6-88-92-325,000Aug-Sept¼ - ½ inchYes
Purple Top Turnips3-55-61-2220,000March-May, July-Sept ¼ - ½ inchYes
Bayou Kale3-44-51-2144,000March-May, July-Sept¼ - ½ inchYes
Pacific Gold Mustard15-2020-253-5180,000Feb-April, Aug-Sept¼ - ¾ inchYes
Yellow Mustard15-2020-253-5180,000Feb-April, Aug-Sept¼ - ¾ inchYes
Winter Camelina691-2400,000Sept - Oct¼ - ½ inchNo
Ethiopian Cabbage3-44-51-2144,000March-May, July-Sept¼ - ½ inchYes


  • Succulent plant (high percentage H2O) related to cabbage
  • Persists well after the first frost but usually doesn’t overwinter in the Upper Midwest
  • Some seed dormancy has been observed

Best Use: Forage for hogs, cattle, sheep, and young stock. Can be grazed multiple times. Not for haying (does not dry).

Management: Ready to pasture in 6 to 8 weeks. Keep it grazed or mown so that it doesn’t get tall and woody. Use to supplement perennial cool-season pastures (down to 18-20° F) in August and September or interseed into warm-season grasses to improve their feed quality. Can result in blister in white pigs when grazing and exposed to sunlight.

Planting Date: Early spring until September 1

Seeding: 4-7 lbs/acre, ¼ to 1/2 inch deep
