Viking 1700N Non-GMO Soybeans

1.7 RM


  • Equal to P21A20 in two years of testing
  • Protein usually above 42%; tested at 42.3% in 2021
  • Good standing, medium bushy plant
  • Cyst nematode protection (PI88788)
  • Can show a few dark-hilum off-types (4/1000 seeds)

Call for price and to place an order

There are different markets for different types of soybeans. Many farmers have capitalized on the potential premiums available from growing non-GMO soybean seed for some of them. Our focus is on producing high-yielding and agronomically sound yellow-hilum and dark-hilum soybeans, so growers have options. We are confident in our conventional soybean seed's ability to yield and compete with the best genetics on the market. In fact, we believe they are some of the best varieties available—something our internal data, university testing, FIRST Trials, and other field tests confirm time and time again.

Viking 1700N Non-GMO Soybeans
Performance Table
VarietyRMSeeds Per UnitPlant TypePlant HeightHilum ColorProteinGrain UseEmergenceEarly GrowthLodgingHeat & Drought TolShatterPhyto GenePhyto TolIron Def ChlorBrown Stem RotWhite MoldSDSCyst NematodeSoybean Aphid Res
Viking 1700N Non-GMO Soybeans1.7140KMBMYellowHighFeed/Food6776IDNone56IDID77No
Viking 0821N Non-GMO Soybeans0.8140KMBMBrownAvgFeed88768None776IDID7No
Viking 1223N Non-GMO Soybeans1.2140KMBMBlackAvgFeed8877IDNone7766ID7No
Viking 1518N Non-GMO Soybeans1.5140KMMBlackAvgFeed88877None777677No
Viking 1718N Non-GMO Soybeans1.7140KMMBrownAvgFeed88777Rps1k7787ID7No
Viking 2022N Non-GMO Soybeans2.0140KMBMBlackAvgFeed8877IDRps1k766677No
IAS19C3 Non-GMO Soybeans2.1110KMMYellowAbove AvgFood778ID7None66ID777No
Viking 2155N Non-GMO Soybeans2.2140KMBMTBrownAvgFeed88778None678787No
Viking 2340KN Non-GMO Soybeans2.3140KMBMBuffAvgFeed8877IDRps1k777779No
E24Y002 Non-GMO Soybeans2.4140KMBMYellowHighFeed/Food667IDIDRps1k755ID67Yes
Viking 2418N Non-GMO Soybeans2.4140KMBMBlackAvgFeed88767Rpc1c777777No
IA3054RA12 Non-GMO Soybeans2.8110KMMYellowHigh+Food56767None55IDIDID4Yes
Viking 42D40PN Non-GMO Soybeans4.2140,000Black


Not available with John Deere Financing.
Available on corn, soybeans, and alfalfa seed only.
Credit card payments used in conjunction with an Early Pay discount subject to a 3% convenience fee.

Boxed Corn and Soybeans

SAVE $1 per unit when you buy your soybeans in 40 unit tote bags (no discount for boxes).

John Deere Financial Special Terms

Argus (Mercaris) Corn & Soybean Prices

Purity. Guaranteed.

Viking Pure & UltraPure Seed guarantees the purest seed for farmers growing grain for Non-GMO contracts. Viking UltraPure seed is guaranteed to be 99.9% GMO-free. Viking Pure seed is guaranteed to be 99.0% GMO-free. Viking seed without the Pure or UltraPure designation and label are not tested for GMO and have no purity guarantee.

