VarietyW.S.IFDNumber of CuttingsTraffic ToleranceD.R.IAphanomyces R1Aphanomyces R2Phyto. Root RotVertic. Root RotBacterial WiltFusarium WiltAnthracnoseStem NematodePea Aphid Tol
Viking 374HD Alfalfa1.74.04-5435/35HRHRHRHRHRHRHRIDID
Organic Blue River 394AP Alfalfa1.84.34-5435/35HRHRHRHRHRHRHRIDID
Viking 342LH Alfalfa1.94.03-4430/30HRIDHRHRHRHRHRMRID
Viking 330M Alfalfa2.24.03-4429/30HRIDHRHRRHRHRIDID
Viking 3100 Alfalfa2.43.03328/30RIDHRHRRHRHRIDID
Vernal Alfalfa2.22.02-3311/30SIDSIDRRIDIDID
Nitrogen Brand AlfalfaNA9.03-4IDIDRRRIDSHRSIDHR

Winter Survival Index: 1 superior, 4 adequate; Fall Dormancy: growth in inches after final cutting before going dormant;
Traffic Tolerance: X = above average tolerance; Disease Rating Index: 30 highest, 6 lowest;
Disease Tolerance: HR = Highly Resistant, R = Resistant, MR = Moderately Resistant, LR = Low Resistance, S = Susceptible, ID = Insufficient Data

VarietyW.S.IFD# of CuttingsTraffic TolerancePoorly-Drained SoilsD.R.IAphanomyces Race 1Aphanomyces Race 2Phyto. Root RotVertic. Root RotBacterial WiltFusarium WiltAnthracnoseStem NematodePea Aphid Tol
Organic Blue River 444LH Alfalfa1.83.93-44430/30HRMRHRHRHRHRHRMRID
Organic Blue River 394AP Alfalfa1.93.23-43534/35HRRHRHRHRHRHRMRHR
Organic Blue River Bluebird LH/AP Alfalfa253-54535/35HRHRHRHRHRHRHRMRR
Organic Blue River 3800 Alfalfa2.03.64-53430/30HRSHRHRHRHRHRRR
Organic Blue River 340M Brand Alfalfa2.03.03-43327/30RSRHRHRHRRIDR
Organic Matrix Creeping Alfalfa2.02.52-35325/30RSRMRHRRHRIDR
Organic Hardy Brand Alfalfa2.22.01-23211/30SSSSMRRSIDID

Winter Survival Index: 1 superior, 4 adequate; Fall Dormancy: growth in inches after final cutting before going dormant;
Traffic Tolerance and Performance on Poorly-Drained Soils: 5 highest, 1 lowest; Disease Rating Index: 30 highest, 6 lowest;
Disease Tolerance: HR = Highly Resistant, R = Resistant, MR = Moderately Resistant, LR = Low Resistance, S = Susceptible, ID = Insufficient Data