IOA Field Day: The Ins and Outs of Grass-Fed Organic Dairy Production with Phil Forbes
Kalona Historical Village 715 D Ave, KalonaMeet us back in Kalona at Kalona SuperNatural on Thursday, August 15 as Phil Forbes, Farm Liason, takes us on a tour of two dairy farms that produce organic milk for Kalona [...]
Farm Innovation Expo 2024
2566 Rockwood Ave SW CakatoAlbert Lea Seed is proud to be the title sponsor of the 2024 Farm Innovation Expo! This event was originally built with the Organic Farmer in mind. Organic Farmers are [...]
ISU Neely-Kinyon Field Day
2557 Norkfolk Ave GreenfieldAlbert Lea Seed is sponsoring this field day. Visit the 25 year organic and conventional LTAR trial and learn about the latest findings in organic research and crop protection.