A blend of annual and perennial flowers provide nectar and pollen to wild bees, honey bees, and other pollinators. This bee feed seed mix contains early-, mid-, and late-blooming flowers in order to provide bee forage all season long. Flowers are suitable for short-tongued and long-tongued bees and come in a wide range of colors for an attractive display. Recommended for maintained stands. Occasional replanting or yearly interseeding may be required to maintain a thick stand.
This mix is about 60% annual species and 40% perennial species. 40% perennial content is an adequate amount to last many years. Over-seeding of bee forage plants is recommended only if annuals are wanted in second year onwards, or if there are bare spots that need to be filled in. Perennials in the mixes should be adequate to fill in area on their own if establishment is good. Over-seeding should be done in late fall or early spring before plants start to emerge. If the area is cut down or mowed (4-6 inches) prior to over-seeding, it will make it easier to lightly rake in seed.
Rate per Acre: 8-12 lbs
Rate per 1,000 sq. ft.: 8 oz
% Composition | Common Name | Scientific Name |
0.63% | Purple Giant Hyssop | Agastache rugosa |
0.48% | New England Aster | Aster novae-angliae |
4.84% | China Aster | Callistephus chinensis |
14.51% | Siberian Wallflower | Cheiranthus allionii |
7.25% | Lance-leaved Coreopsis | Coreopsis lanceolata |
1.21% | Plains Coreopsis | Coreopsis tinctoria |
19.34% | Chinese Forget-Me-Not | Cynoglossum amabile |
14.51% | Purple Coneflower | Echinacea purpurea |
0.48% | Fleabane Daisy | Erigeron speciosus |
4.83% | California Poppy | Eschscholzia californica |
2.42% | Indian Blanket | Gaillardia pulchella |
2.42% | Globe Gilia | Gilia capitata |
3.63% | Tidy-Tips | Layia platyglossa |
7.25% | Blue Flax | Linum perenne |
1.21% | Sweet Alyssum | Lobularia maritima |
0.48% | Bergamot | Monarda fistulosa |
4.84% | Baby Blue-Eyes | Nemophila menziesii |
9.67% | Corn Poppy | Papaver rhoeas |
$4.99 – $36.00
Our wildflower mixtures contain 10-20 species providing natural beauty and pollinator habitat all season long. Plant into weed-free soil in spring, early summer or late fall. Weeds are inevitable during establishment; pull or mow weeds before they go to seed or become too competitive with the flowers.
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