Excellent quality pasture all season long. Each species is carefully selected for palatability and persistence, and to handle the close grazing habit of horses. Fast establishing annual ryegrass in this mix is your cover crop; no need for oats.
Best Use: Pasture. Fairly tolerant of close grazing.
Adaptation: Best suited for medium to heavy soils.
Management: Continuous tight grazing will require annual interseeding. For best performance, allow pasture plants to recover and regrow approx. 30 days between grazings.
Planting Date: April – May, August 1 – 25
Seeding: 30-35 lbs/acre. Drill or broadcast and roll. Plant ¼ in. to ½ in. deep.
$26.50 – $190.00
Your hay or pasture grass seed has to work for you—adapted to the purpose, place, and management you have in mind. We usually carry two or more varieties of each species, ranging from high quality forage to more economical selections when forage quality is not as vital. We also have several hay and pasture grass mixes that combine the advantages of several species in one bag.
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