Sand Dropseed

Sporobolus cryptandrus (Torr.) A. Gray

  • Long-lived perennial warm-season bunchgrass native throughout North America
  • Common in the short-grass prairie, rangeland, and chaparral communities
  • Good for erosion control. Fine root system can colonize in heavier soils but at lower elevations, it is more common in sandy soils
  • Seedlings have low vigor, but established plants withstand severe drought; one of the most drought resistant species in short-grass prairie
  • Adapted to slightly acidic to slightly basic soils
  • Able to withstand grazing pressure but avoid grazing for two years to ensure good establishment and reseeding
  • Prolific producer of small seeds (approximately 5.6 million seeds/lb, and 67 pounds of seed per bushel

Height: 2’ – 4’

 Planting: Use 0.5 to 1.0 lbs pure live seed (PLS)/ac for solid stands. Drill or broadcast seed onto the surface to ⅛-inch depth into lightly prepared sandy and fine soils. Plant ¼-inch deep in coarse soils.

Pure Stand Seeding Rate PLS lbs / acre: 1

PLS=Pure Live Seed

$25.00 / Pure Live Seed Pound


Our native grass and wildflower species for sale come from Midwest growers and are adapted to the Upper Midwest. We meet all state and federal seed laws, and we do not sell seed contaminated with palmer amaranth. Midwest native grasses and forbs are priced by Pure Live Seed (PLS) per lb.
