Green Spirit Italian Ryegrass


Green Spirit Italian ryegrass provides excellent quality forage for up to two years, with quick regrowth, very early development in the spring, and prolonged fall growing period in the fall, this seed species usually has greater overall productivity than other cool season grasses.

  • Blend of diploid & tetraploid Italian ryegrasses
  • Combines high sugars, high yield, and leafiness of tetraploids with dense tillering and rapid seedling growth of diploids
  • Excellent rust resistance
  • Little to no seed heads during first year


Green Spirit Italian Ryegrass
Performance Table
Species NameDrilledBroadcast/AerialIn MixApprox. Seeds/lbSeeding Date RangeSeeding DepthWinter Kill
Green Spirit Italian Ryegrass
Max Italian Ryegrass15-2025-304-5227,000March-May, Aug-Sept¼ - ½ inchYes
Viking 100 Brand Sorghum-Sudangrass20-2530-355-1018,000Mid May-Early July½ - 1 inchYes
Viking 150 Brand Sorghum-Sudangrass
Piper Sudangrass
Japanese Millet25-3532-505-15145,000Late May-July½ - 1 inch
German Foxtail Millet
Proso Millet20-3030-455-1580,000Late May-July½ - 1 inch
Hybrid Grain Sorghum (Milo)
Grain Sorghum - Open-Pollinated
Winter Rye50-10012015025-7518,000Aug-Nov½ - ¾ inchNo
RootMax Annual Ryegrass
Annual Ryegrass15-2025-305-1018,000Mid May-Early July¼ - ½ inchYes
Winter Triticale30-10060-12015-4015,000Aug-Early Oct½ - 1 ½ inches


Quick re-growth, early spring development and prolonged fall growth. High quality forage without low-quality stems and seed heads: will not head out in the seeding year unless a hard freeze sets in after seed has germinated. Behaves as an annual in the Upper Midwest. Recognized as excellent rotation crop for plowdown or emergency feed.


Best Use:

Best suited as a pasture crop seeded at full rate. When seeded at lower rate, can be used in hay mixtures and as a nurse crop for alfalfa seedings.


Best on heavier, moisture-holding soils. Keep off of droughty ground.


Begin grazing at 4″-6″ and stop when the grass is down to 2″-3″.

Planting Date:

March-May, Aug. 1-15 (for late fall grazing).


30-35 lbs/acre alone or 3-4 lbs/acre as alfalfa cover crop.


Use instead of small grain as cover crop over new alfalfa seedings. Can produce up to half ton more of additional hay in seeding year than a small grain. Seeding heavier than recommended amount may smother alfalfa seeding. Seed early spring onto pasture that has been closely grazed the previous fall to improve yield and quality.
