Itasca Little Bluestem


Schizachyrium scoparium

  • Perennial warm-season bunchgrass prominent in tallgrass prairie
  • Also known as beard grass
  • Found natively with big bluestem (Andropogon gerardi), indiangrass (Sorghastrum nutans) and switchgrass (Panicum virgatum)
  • Grows best in full sun and on well-drained soils
  • Can be dug up and divided in spring
  • Drought tolerant
  • Larval host to the cobweb skipper, common wood nymph, crossline skipper, Dakota skipper, dusted skipper, Indian skipper, Leonard’s skipper, Ottoe skipper, and swarthy skipper

Pure Stand Seeding Rate PLS lbs / acre: 10.0

Height: 3′

PLS=Pure Live Seed



Our native grass and wildflower species for sale come from Midwest growers and are adapted to the Upper Midwest. We meet all state and federal seed laws, and we do not sell seed contaminated with palmer amaranth. Midwest native grasses and forbs are priced by Pure Live Seed (PLS) per lb.
