
White Clover for Turf!


  • Microclover® is a selection from white clover that has smaller leaves and a lower growth habit.
  • Microclover® is a fertilizer in itself because of its ability to produce its own nitrogen fertilizer, which gives your lawn the dark green color you want. It can grow in between the grass plants, keep an even distribution over the lawn and supply the grass with all the nitrogen your garden needs.
  • Microclover® lawn seed mix blends quickly with the grass and keeps the lawn dense and thereby it decreases the amount of weeds. A better choice than common white clover because it does not form clumps or outcompete desirable turfgrass.
  • Better Performance During Dry Periods – Adding of Microclover® seed mix in the grass mixtures has the advantage that the soil is shaded a little more and humidity is retained better in the dry periods. The deep dark green colour also extends the overall lush appearance of grass through dry spells.
  • Avoid the use of herbicides because they will damage or kill Microclover®
  • Seed a pure stand or mix with grass for diversity. Has been successfully used as a companion specie with Kentucky bluegrass, turf-type tall fescue, hard fescue, chewings fescue, or creeping red fescue.  It mixes better with turfgrass than common white clover, and does not form clumps
  • Plant this micro-clover grass seed mix in full sun for the best persistence
  • Microclover® lawn seed is inoculated and coated with Nitro Coat (Is NOT OMRI-listed)

Seeding Rate:

Seed .5 lbs per 1000 sq ft in a pure stand.  Or 5% by weight in a lawn grass mixture (example: if you seed 100lbs/acre of turgrass, add 5lbs/acre of Microclover). Plant 1/8” to ¼” deep.

Seeding Date:

March through May.  Frost seeding is an option for overseeing into existing lawns.

$24.00 / LB

SKU: 2826 Categories: ,
