MN CP43 Prairie Strips Mix
- Prairie Grass strips should be installed on eligible cropland in targeted locations to reduce erosion and intercept water flow, while make the cropland farmable
- A minimum of 10 native flowering plants
- At least two species shall be from each bloom period – early, mid and late flowering season
- The mixture will result in a minimum of 35 seeds/ sq ft
- Grass not to exceed 90% of the mix based on seeds/ sq ft
- the mix was developed using the MN 327 Conservation Cover Calculator
- Can be used on field perimeters, through the field, along waterways, pivot corners, or other areas allowed by NRCS
- Should be between 30 and 120 ft wide, and not exceed 25% of the cropland area
Click here for seed mix
*Species substitutions may be necessary based on availability.
$90.00 / acre
NRCS CRP Mixtures
Our CRP mixtures are designed to meet state NRCS specifications. Since the mixtures can vary depending on availability, please call for exact species composition and pricing.
Call us for mixtures not listed above or if you’re unsure as to what you need. We also offer mixtures for Wisconsin.