MultiMax CC7 Cover Crop Mix

Adaptable & Diverse

Very diverse and cost-effective blend of grasses, legumes, and brassicas. Smaller seed size and high seeds/lb. provide premium return for low cost.

  • Can establish under shade and crop canopy with adequate moisture
  • Excellent for seeding into standing crops at V4-V6 or in late summer-early fall (time with rain)
  • Well adapted to all soil types and conditions; not good fit after full-season grain corn or soybeans due to shortened growing season
  • Will likely winterkill in the Upper Midwest
  • Suitable for drone seeding applications
  • Small-seeded legumes are pre-inoculated

Planting Date: Last cultivation; Aug. 1 – Sept. 15.

Seeding: 15-20 lbs/acre at ¼” to ½” deep. Drill, broadcast or aerial apply.


SKU: 2471 Categories: , ,

Our cover crop mixes for grazing are a combination of nitrogen fixing and biomass producing species specially chosen to maximize cover crop benefits and complement a diverse crop rotation. These mixes will improve soil structure, add and scavenge nutrients, compete with weeds and simplify the seeding process. We are also happy to work with you on custom cover crop blends that will fit any rotation, field, or soil type.

