Organic Blue River 225 Brand BMR Sorghum-Sudangrass

  • BMR (Gene 12) and juicy stalk trait
  • Harvest window wider before first cutting than for other S x S hybrids; between 40 and 90 days
  • Good candidate for single-cut system
  • Excellent standability, tillering, regrowth, and recovery following harvest
  • Excellent drought resistance
  • Great choice for managed grazing
  • Very good resistance to sugarcane aphid

$96.00 / 50lb Bag

Organic Blue River 225 Brand BMR Sorghum-Sudangrass
Performance Table
Species NameDrilledBroadcast/AerialIn MixApprox. Seeds/lbSeeding Date RangeSeeding DepthWinter Kill
Organic Blue River 225 Brand BMR Sorghum-Sudangrass
Organic Blue River 210 Brand BMR Sorghum-Sudangrass
Organic Japanese Millet25-3535-505-15145,000Late May-July½ - 1 inchYes
Organic Winter Rye50-100120-15025-7518,000Aug-Nov½ - ¾ inchNo
Organic Cover Crop Oats
Organic Annual Ryegrass15-2025-304-5227,000Mar-May, Aug-Sept¼ - ½


Brown Mid-Rib (BMR)-type warm season annual grass forages contain a BMR gene (from conventional breeding techniques) that limits production of an enzyme needed for lignin formation as plants grow. With the altered gene, less lignin forms, resulting in higher digestibility of the forage and greater animal intake. The visually-evident brown midrib is a useful indicator of the trait.

What is Sorghum-Sudangrass

Sorghum-sudangrass is a hybrid cross between forage sorghum and sudangrass; intermediate in size and yield. Fast-growing, highly productive, multi-cut, warm-season annual grass bred to maximize summer forage. Most hybrids can grow 8′ tall if left uncut. Protein can reach 14% but has less energy than corn silage, because it lacks grain.

Best Use: Best suited for grazing, green chop, baleage, or silage.

Adaptation: Good soils, but is drought tolerant. Likes hot weather. All hybrids we sell are resistant to downy mildew and anthracnose.


Usually harvested 45-55 days after seeding or when 40 inches tall, whichever comes first.

Cut 6” above ground for best regrowth. Larger stems make drying for hay more difficult than with sudangrass.

High planting rates produce finer stems which dry better with increased quality.

Manage risk for prussic acid and nitrate concentrations during drought or following frost.

Protein will decline as harvest is delayed. If planning to cut only once, energy will increase upon heading due to continued sugar formation in the sorghum stalks and leaves, and carbohydrate deposition in the developing grains.

Planting Date: Late-May – early July (soil temps 62°F+)

Seeding: 20-40 lbs/acre drilled, 25- 45 lbs/acre broadcast. Use high end of the rate for finer stems and faster drydown. Plant ¾”-1½” deep.

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