Organic MelFrost Perennial Ryegrass

  • Tetraploid-type; very high forage quality
  • Later maturing; excellent yield potential
  • Very good disease resistance to rusts



Perennial Ryegrass

Establishes rapidly; excellent wear tolerance; relatively high yielding; high nutritive value. Grows from 1′-2’ tall. Recovers rapidly and tillers extensively. Careful management and variety selection help ensure best results.

Best Use:

For grazing or haylage in mixture with red clover or white clover. Begin grazing at 4-6”– stop when grazed to 3”.


Best on heavier, moistureholding soils. Not suited for sandy ground.


Slow mid-summer growth. Graze closely and frequently. To maximize winter hardiness, graze or cut to 4-6” going into fall freeze. Apply 50# of N along with sulfur, and maintain good levels of calcium and micronutrients.

Planting Date:

March-May, Aug. 1-31. Can be frost seeded early spring in permanent pasture.


25-35 lbs/acre alone or 4-10 lbs/ acre in mix.
