PollinatorMax CC13 Cover Crop Mix

Abundant Floral Resources

Fast establishing annual mixture that will attract beneficial insects. Contains a diverse selection of species that will add a splash of color to your farm, while also supporting pollinators and beneficial predator species.

  • Provides floral resources, habitat and refuge throughout growing season
  • Drill or broadcast in spring and terminate at end of season
  • Some species will flower and set seed, requiring management of volunteers in subsequent years
  • The species included are not known to be invasive, though some (e.g. buckwheat) can become competitive weeds in production fields
  • For best success, inoculate with Exceed pea vetch, and Exceed Cowpea/Mung Bean/Sunn Hemp; small-seeded legumes are pre-inoculated
  • This mix was developed with feedback from the Xerces Society

Planting Date: May 15 – June 15

Seeding: 40-50 lbs/acre. Drill or broadcast and incorporate.



Our cover crop mixes for grazing are a combination of nitrogen fixing and biomass producing species specially chosen to maximize cover crop benefits and complement a diverse crop rotation. These mixes will improve soil structure, add and scavenge nutrients, compete with weeds and simplify the seeding process. We are also happy to work with you on custom cover crop blends that will fit any rotation, field, or soil type.

