SummerMax CC6 Cover Crop Mix

(1 customer review)

Maximize Warm-Season Tonnage

Vigorous growing warm-season mix of summer annual grasses, broadleaves, and legumes blended for maximum summer growth, weed suppression, and soil building.

  • Ideal for summer fallow soil building, prevented planting situations or for summer grazing & forage
  • Tremendous biomass out competes weeds
  • Terminate or cut/graze prior to buckwheat and/or sunn hemp flowering
  • Sunn hemp seed can be toxic to livestock; remove livestock at sunn hemp flowering
  • Improve summer grazing value with the adiition of 5 lbs of a BMR Sorghum Sudangrass
  • Inoculate with Exceed Cowpea/Sunn Hemp

Planting Date: May 30 – Aug. 15 after risk of frost has passed.

Seeding: 40-50 lbs/acre at ½” deep. Drill for best results.


SKU: 2745 Categories: , ,

Our cover crop mixes solve a variety of challenges for farmers. We combine nitrogen fixing and biomass producing species specially chosen to maximize cover crop benefits and complement a diverse crop rotation. These mixes will improve soil structure, add and scavenge nutrients, compete with weeds and simplify the seeding process. We are also happy to work with you on custom cover crop blends that will fit any rotation, field, or soil type.



Reviews (1)

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Reviewed by 1 customers
First off your team and its dealers are awesome. I promote you for free every chance I get. Your pricing and on time delivery is outstanding. I tried both cc6 and straight buckwheat this year in different plots to see what work better. Both cc6 and buckwheat were broadcasted on July 4th weekend and then 200 pounds of rye was crimped down on top of the seed. They were left to grow for 8 weeks. As your pictures show 8 weeks growth. Well at 8 weeks my buckwheat began to flower at 6 inches. There was some sorghum that might have been 8 inches tall. The cow peas barely 4 inches tall. I believe drought and .9 OM had a lot to do with it. I will absolutely continue to use and promote your company. Best

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