Best Use: Hay, grazing, erosion control, steep slopes, embankment stabilization.
Adaptation: The perennial wheatgrass is a good choice in droughty areas but prefers 12” or more of rainfall. Prefers loamy or clay-textured soils; performs poorly on wet, poorly drained soils
Management: Establishes quickly. Begin grazing or harvest at 10-12”, maintaining 6” stubble and allowing for regrowth before next harvest. Slow re-growth following cutting: best adapted to single-cut haying situations
Planting date: April-May, August 1-31
Seeding: Drill intermediate wheatgrass seeds into a firm seedbed 8 lbs PLS/A; up to 16 lbs PLS/A on disturbed areas. Seed ½ in. deep on fine-textured soils: up to 1” deep on sandy soils.
$27.50 – $200.00
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