Alkar Tall Wheatgrass is a non-native, late maturing, cool-season grass adaptable to the Northern Great Plains and Intermountain West.
Best Use: Often used in conservation seedings and wildlife plantings, but can also be used for pasture, hay, or silage. Can produce over 7 tons dry biomass/acre. Less palatable than other species, but livestock can make use of it. Can be planted alone or in mixtures.
Adaptation: Adaptable to the Northern Great Plains and Intermountain West. Prefers deep soils that are either seasonally wet or irrigated. On dryland, it requires 12-14 inches of annual rainfall. Tolerant of saline-sodic and alkaline soils
Management: Do not graze during the establishment year. For stand persistence, maintain 8” stubble height and do not overgraze.
Planting Date: March-May, Aug. 1-15.
Seeding: ¾” to 1” deep. 8-10lbs/acre on upland seedings. 15lbs/acre on saline sites.
$27.50 – $200.00
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