Organic Blue River 51-04P Seed Corn

104-Day CRM


  • Very good yielding, stable grain hybrid for organic fields
  • Outstanding digestibility and tonnage ratings for silage; superior choice for a dial-purpose hybrid
  • Good emergence and root strength
  • Good late-season health, above average height
  • Best performance on medium to heavy soils with good fertility

Video Tour of Organic Blue River 51-04P

Call for price and to place an order

We combined the best of the Viking and Blue River organic seed to bring you the new, stronger Blue River lineup. We believe it's the single strongest lineup of corn hybrids in the nation. Together with your local Blue River dealer, the team at Albert Lea Seed is committed to the success of organic farmers. Our organic seed corn is screened, trialed, tested, and specifically adapted to the unique challenges of organic farming.

We also know how important the absence of GMOs is to organic farmers and consumers. We were the first company in the U.S. to offer a purity guarantee on corn. Blue River organic corn comes in three different levels of purity: UltraPure (99.9% GMO-Free), Pure (99.0% GMO-Free), and Select (98.0% GMO-Free). If it doesn’t meet one of these three standards, we won’t sell it as organic seed.

Our germplasm is sourced from large and small breeding programs and we run our own replicated testing program to compare all these hybrid corn seeds. We are looking for the highest yield (and the best tonnage/quality for silage), but we are also screening hybrids for emergence, ear flex, drydown, stalk and root strength, disease resistance, drought tolerance, and population tolerance.

We believe that organic farmers are best served by a qualified dealer who understands the local growing conditions and the regional challenges, markets, and network. You can find a dealer near you using our dealer finder or call 800.370.7979.

RiseUp Seed Treatment

All Blue River Organic and Viking Non-GMO corn for organic farmers will be coated with RiseUp, our label for organic-compliant seed treatments that promote strong emergence, early vigor, and robust development that leads to highly productive plants.

The following treatments could be on your RiseUp-treated corn. (OMRI Certificates for these products can be found here):


SoilBiotics® Seed Start 200 is a humic acid seed treatment combined with a blend of living, breathing microorganisms. This humic acid improves cold germination and seedling emergence and vigor. The biological factor in Seed Start 200 has an all-around positive effect on the growth rate, immunity of the seedling to biotic and abiotic stress, the development of the root system and its microbiome, and therefore its ability to assimilate nutrients.


SabrEx Root Inoculant is a proprietary blend of trichoderma and mycorrhizal fungi that aids in plant rooting, nutrient and water uptake.


SoilBiotics® 1R is a humic acid product derived from mined Leonardite. It is formulated to improve nutrient uptake, provide better root development, and reduce plant stress.

The combination of treatments cannot be ordered or specified in advance.
It is dependent on the location and timing of the seed cleaning and treatment process.



  • 14% if paid by Sept. 30, 2024
  • 10% if paid by Oct. 31, 2024
  • 8% if paid by Nov. 30, 2024
  • 5% if paid by Jan. 31, 2025

Not available with John Deere Financing.
Available on corn, soybeans, and alfalfa seed only.
Credit card payments used in conjunction with an Early Pay discount subject to a 3% convenience fee.

Boxed Corn and Soybeans

SAVE $1 per unit when you buy your soybeans in 40 unit tote bags (no discount for boxes).

  • Seed corn is available in 40-unit (80M/unit) hard-sided pro-boxes
  • Soybeans are available in 40-unit (140M/Unit or 110M/unit) soft-sided tote bags at a savings of $1/unit
  • Soybeans are available in 40-unit (140M/unit or 110M/unit) hard-sided pro-boxes on a first-ordered, first-served basis
  • Orders for boxes or totes must be placed by Feb. 28, 2025
  • Customers are responsible for the cost of returning seed boxes
  • Shipped boxes will be reconciled on June15; any boxes not returned by July 15 will be invoiced at $600/box
  • Customers will be billed for damage to boxes and lost pro-box lids

John Deere Financial Special Terms

0% 2% Oct. 31, 2024 Jan. 2026
0% 0% Nov. 30, 2024 Jan. 2026
Prime -3% 0% Dec. 31, 2025 Jan. 2026
Prime 0% Jan. 31, 2025 Jan. 2026
Prime +6.6% 0% July 31, 2025 Jan. 2026

  • Available on corn, soybeans, and alfalfa
  • $2,500 minimum purchase.
  • “Regular” purchase JDF is available on any product with no minimum purchase (special terms do not apply).
  • JDF customer service: 1-800-356-9033
  • Apply online at:

Argus (Mercaris) Corn & Soybean Prices

Purity. Guaranteed.

Blue River Organic corn and soybean seed comes in three different levels of purity: UltraPure (99.9% GMO-Free), Pure (99.0% GMO-Free), and Select (98.0% GMO-Free). If it doesn’t meet one of these three standards, we won’t sell it as organic seed.

