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JDS Seed Field Days
August 1, 2023 - August 2, 2023
Gary Campbell, Agronomist for AgriEnergy Solutions; Clint Wuethrich, Area Representative for AgriEnergy Solutions; Steven Heath for DynaCure Barry Johnson, Representative for Symborg
Join us at any location and leave when you wish. Going three weeks with no rain during the planting season
brought challenges on organic and conventional farms. Join us and learn what others are doing to manage their
crops and fertility. Learn from the real experts, the farmers that are doing it. We will also discuss weed control, soil
fertility, soil biology, and other disease and insect problems. Come, ask questions and join the discussions.
8:00 a.m…… Ben Baltzy Farm – 11949 Dolphin Street, Beach City OH. Ben started farming this farm last year and is
transitioning to organic production. He is farming 400 acres and is growing wheat, rye, soybeans, corn, sunflowers, 4010
forage peas and alfalfa. He is on a learning curve and will share his successes and things he will do different next year.
9:15 a.m…..Trent Neuenschwander Farm- 1333 West Lebanon Road S, Dalton OH. Trent and his father Darry are
farming together so this year we will meet at Trent’s place. Trent and Darry have a conventional dairy and grow corn,
alfalfa and soybeans. They plant non-GMO corn for corn silage and grain. They have been applying MVP with 28% N at
planting and side-dress while reducing nitrogen inputs the last 6 years and have some great looking crops.
10:15 a.m….. Woodlynn Acres Farm- 647 South Kurzen Road, Dalton OH. Fred and Scott Myers farm about 2800 acres
in organic production. This year they have about 500 acres corn, 600 acres hay, (400 acres soybeans planted with rye as a
smother crop), 300 acres sunflowers, 100 acres canola, 400 acres oats, barley and rye. They have used AgriEnergy starter
on corn, soybeans and sunflowers and apply foliar fertilizers and Utrisha N to their hay, corn, soybeans and small grains.
They have also been using SPE-120 on all their grain crops. A propane flame weeder, weed zapper, GPS guidance and
camera on their cultivator are utilized. Join the discussion of their farming practices and see the modern equipment and
technology they use, in their large-scale organic production. There is a lot to see at this farm. Don’t miss this stop.
12:15 p.m.….Das Dutch Kitchen- 14278 East Lincoln Way, (US Route 30) Dalton OH. Join us for lunch. Don’t miss this
1:30 p.m.….. Lynn Wenger Farm- 788 North Wenger Road, Dalton OH. Lynn and his son Bryce have probably the best
looking crops on this tour. They have been using AgriEnergy programs for at least 10 years and their crops keep improving.
They grow corn, soybeans, spelt and alfalfa hay in their rotation.
2:45 p.m…..Dale Amstutz Farm- 10368 Pleasant Home Road, Sterling OH. Dale has a conventional dairy and grows
corn, soybeans and alfalfa mixed hay. Products used on his farm include MVP, 4-21-4 w/zinc and AgriBoost PK. Dale will
share about the improvements to his crops when he added biologicals and micronutrients to his crop programs.
3:45 p.m…… Stoller Organic Dairy- 10451 Eby Road, Sterling, OH. Scott and four sons are partners and Organic Valley
members and grow organic corn, soybeans, wheat, oats, hay and pasture. They use a variety of tools for weed control and
have built several 60-foot Weed Zappers and are custom building cultivators. They also built a new milking parlor and
expanded their herd. Scott was one of the first farmers in the area to use AgriEnergy products. There is a lot to see at this
farm. Don’t miss this stop.
8:00 a.m.….Johnny Byler Farm- 5544 Mansfield Adario Road, Shiloh, OH. Johnny and his family grow organic corn,
soybeans, oats and alfalfa hay. They farm with horses and do an amazing job growing weed-free crops. They have an
organic corn plot with Seed Consultants, Blue River and Viking entries, a fertilizer plot with AgriEnergy Starter Fertilizer
and with Blue N. They applied a foliar to their soybeans and they look like the best beans I have seen this year.
9:15 a.m.…..Norman Zimmerman Farm- 8090 Swanger Road, Shiloh OH. Norman and his family are growing organic corn,
soybeans, wheat and clover. This is his fourth-year farming and his organic crops were challenged by the dry weather this year.
He has bought a new Einbock cultivator and rigged it up with spray nozzles so he can apply foliars while cultivating. This allows
him to cut the rate in half and apply a foliar without making a second trip. He built a propane flamer, and it was effective this
year. He has been growing cover crops to increase organic matter and soil biology. Don’t miss this stop.
10:30 a.m.…..Edwin Steiner Farm- 581 TR 1451, Shiloh OH. Edwin and his family were the first farmers in Ashland
County to use AgriEnergy products. They are growing Seed Consultants corn and Blue River soybeans, alfalfa and
sorghum sudan. They are using both starter and foliar programs, Utrisha N, SPE-120 and DynaSile. This has enabled him
to maintain 70 lbs. milk with 4.5% butterfat on his organic dairy, producing milk for Organic Valley. Don’t miss this stop.
12.00 noon….Sterk’s Restaurant- 63 US 20, Wakeman OH. Join us for lunch. Don’t miss this stop.
1:15 p.m.….. Dalton Farms- 5073 Butler Road, Wakeman OH. Edward and his family farm 1000 organic acres and grow
corn, soybeans, wheat, clover and forage peas to plow down. He applied MVP, Dramm O Fish and KT Add Pak as a starter
fertilizer and was pleased with how well it worked for him. He also farms 1000 conventional acres and grows corn,
soybeans, wheat and also spelt for French’s.
2:30 p.m….Tipple Family Farms- Matt and his family have been farming organic and conventional crops for about 15
years. He has corn and soybeans that are looking good. He said he had some problems with the fish in his starter program,
so we want to have a discussion about agitating and straining fertilizer products to make application easier.
4:00 p.m….Dan Mennell Farm- Dan has taken over the farm from his uncle Roy, and I have been helping him build the
fertility and biological levels on the farm. His yield levels have about doubled in the last 5-6 years and he is excited about
the progress he has made. He has used MVP and the starter and foliar programs. He will share the difference Utrisha N
made on his wheat. He bought a new Heineker cultivator this year. His latest project is building a 112’x 600’ chicken barn
to produce organic eggs. Don’t miss this stop.
Bring a friend or neighbor. This is a great opportunity to see how other farmers are coping with the challenges we
have had this year. Take the opportunity to join the discussions, ask questions and learn from some of the best.
Call if you have questions. 330-465-1794