Acres Eco-Ag Conference & Trade Show

Albert Lea Seed is a Bronze Sponsor of the Acres Eco-Ag Conference. We'll be onsite to answer your burning questions about the Viking+Blue River brands. Come visit our booth!  

Nebraska Ag Expo

Lancaster Event Center Lincoln, Nebraska, United States

Albert Lea Seed House will be present at the Nebraska Ag Expo in the new organic farming section. Come see us in December!

Wisconsin Water and Soil Health Conference

Kalahari Resort & Convention Center 1305 Kalahari Drive, Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin

Albert Lea is a Gold Sponsor of the Wisconsin Water & Soil Health Conference! The WWASH conference is building upon the legacies of two pivotal events, the Wisconsin Cover Crop Conference and the Discovery Farms Conference. Joining these conferences allows us to present a conference with more keynotes and a wider range of featured topics [...]

The Big Soil Health Event

Bien VenU Event Center Cedar Falls, IA, United States

Albert Lea Seed is a $2500 Sponsor of the The Big Soil Health Event. We'll be onsite to answer your burning questions about the Viking+Blue River brands. Come visit our booth! THE BIG SOIL HEALTH EVENT provides an expected 800 farmers, rural landowners, and ag industry members with a ground-up educational experience. While many conferences [...]

Ohio State Organic Grains Conference

Founders Hall at Sauder Village Archbold, OH

Albert Lea is an Advertising Sponsor for the Ohio State Organic Grains Conference. Check out our product line up at the Hirzel Farms booth! This new event is geographically positioned in the tri-state region (Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan) and is intended for current, transitioning and new-to organic grain farmers; crop consultants; agency personnel; and input [...]

Minnesota Organic Conference

St. Cloud Rivers Edge Convetion Center 10 4th Ave S., St. Cloud, Minnesota

Albert Lea Seed is a Reception Sponsor for this event! Each year, the Minnesota Department of Agriculture hosts this conference for farmers and others interested in organic agriculture. Mark your calendars for January 11-12, 2024. This year's conference will feature: -Fantastic keynotes and breakout sessions -An 80-booth trade show -Networking with friends -And more!

Virtual Organic Conference


100% organic. 100% virtual. 100% stacked. Our lineup is full of knowledgeable and friendly organic farming minds. Join Albert Lea Seed and a group of expert speakers for an insights packed virtual event focused on organic farming. Hop on January 16th for one session or the whole day. 9:30 AM - Organic Research Investment & [...]

CFW Organic Expo

Clearwater Farms Caro, Michigan

Albert Lea is honored to be a Silver Sponsor of the CFW Organic Expo. The 2024 CWF Organic Expo will include a day full of speakers as well as a day for the original open house style expo. Speakers will be covering the current commodity markets, organic farming techniques, and more. The expo will include [...]

PFI Annual Conference

Iowa Events Center Des Moines, Iowa

Albert Lea is happy to be sponsoring the PFI Annual Conference at the B Level. Since PFI's founding, the annual conference has been a keystone event for sharing knowledge, building connections and celebrating agriculture in Iowa (and good food!). As their conference grows to over 1,000 attendees, they are pleased to offer 60+ sessions on [...]

NOFA-NY 42nd Annual Winter Conference.

Marriott Syracuse Downtown Syracuse, NY

Albert Lea Seed is an advertising sponsor for the NOFA-NY Annual Winter Conference.