Annual Ryegrass

  • Most economical grass for cover cropping
  • Rapid growing with an extensive root system that builds soil structure and holds soil in place
  • Excellent as green manure or single-year forage crop
  • Well adapted to heavier soil types
  • Will likely winterkill in northern zones
  • May overwinter if planted early, with adequate snow cover or if the winter is mild
  • Variety Not Stated


Annual Ryegrass
Performance Table
Species NameDrilledBroadcast/AerialIn MixApprox. Seeds/lbSeeding Date RangeSeeding DepthWinter Kill
Annual Ryegrass15-2025-305-1018,000Mid May-Early July¼ - ½ inchYes
Max Italian Ryegrass15-2025-304-5227,000March-May, Aug-Sept¼ - ½ inchYes
Viking 100 Brand Sorghum-Sudangrass20-2530-355-1018,000Mid May-Early July½ - 1 inchYes
Viking 150 Brand Sorghum-Sudangrass
Piper Sudangrass
Japanese Millet25-3532-505-15145,000Late May-July½ - 1 inch
German Foxtail Millet
Proso Millet20-3030-455-1580,000Late May-July½ - 1 inch
Hybrid Grain Sorghum (Milo)
Grain Sorghum - Open-Pollinated
Winter Rye50-10012015025-7518,000Aug-Nov½ - ¾ inchNo
RootMax Annual Ryegrass
Green Spirit Italian Ryegrass
Winter Triticale30-10060-12015-4015,000Aug-Early Oct½ - 1 ½ inches




Establishes very rapidly, giving you higher productivity in the planting season. Capable of producing forage yields in a very short period of time. Has good cold tolerance.

Best Use:

Single year forage production, or as green manure plowdown seeded in the fall.


Well adapted to heavier soil types. Management: Heads out in early to midsummer. Usually winterkills in northern zones.

Planting Date:

March-May, Aug.-Sept.


30 lbs/acre alone or 10-15 lbs/ acre to beef up existing pastures
