Austrian Winter Peas

  • Use similar to spring field pea in cover crop mixes
  • Can provide from 90 to 150 lbs nitrogen/acre at full flowering
  • Withstands temps as low as 10°F with minor injury
  • Can overwinter in hardiness zone 6 and warmer
  • Sensitive to heat and humidity
  • 3,000-4,000 seeds/lb
  • Austrian winter peas require inoculant for proper nodulation for nitrogen fixation

$42.00 / 50lb Bag

Austrian Winter Peas
Performance Table
Species NameDrilledBroadcast/AerialIn MixApprox. Seeds/lbSeeding Date RangeSeeding DepthWinter KillTotal N (Lbs/Acre/Yr)
Austrian Winter Peas60-75NA25-303,900Aug-Sept1-2 inchYes70-150
Berseem Clover12-1515-202-5200,000Mid May-August¼ - ½ inchYes55-100
Dixie Crimson Clover12-2025-302-5150,000June-Sept¼ - ½ inchYes50-90
Medium Red Clover8-1215-182-5272,000Feb-May, Aug¼ - ½ inch70-150
White Blossom Sweet Clover
Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover8-12152-5259,000Feb-May, Aug¼ - ½ inch90-170
4010 Field Peas60-75NA25-304,200Aug-Sept1-2 inchNo70-150
Hairy Vetch25-3035-4010-1516,000Aug-Oct½ - 1 inchYes70-200
Common Vetch50-6070-8025-304,200Aug-Sept½ -1 inchYes5-50
AC Greenfix Chickling Vetch60-70NA20-402,600March-May1-1 ½ inchYes5-70
Iron & Clay Cowpeas50-75NA25-353,000June-Aug½ - 1 inchYes150
Faba Beans100-150NA25-501,400March-April, Aug- Mid Sept1-3 inchYes50-140
Mung Beans15-20NA4-812,000Late May-Aug1-2 inchYesInsufficient Data
Small-Seeded Black Lentils40-5060-7520-3011,000March-May, July-Sept½ - 2 inchesYes
Sunn Hemp15-20NA4-811,000June-Aug½ - 1 inchYes100-140


Cool-season annual legume. Have a low carbon to nitrogen ratio, so the crop residue decomposes quickly.

Best Use: Excellent forage quality for livestock, silage, or cover crop/plow down. Can produce up to 2-4 tons DM/acre. Pea biomass contains 3.0 to 3.5 percent nitrogen on a dry weight basis.

Requirements: Prefers cool weather and well-drained soils. Does not tolerate acidic soils. Inoculate before planting. Can withstand colder autumn temperatures than field peas.

Management: Winter hardiness in the Upper Midwest is highly variable, though newer varieties are extending the winter hardy range. See description for Wyowinter.

Planting Date*: March – April or Aug – Sept (southern MN). If spring seeding, seed as early as possible.

Seeding: 50-100 lbs/acre drilled 1-2” deep.
