Green Needlegrass
Nassella viridula (Trin.) Barkworth
- Well suited in mixtures for range seeding and wildlife habitat
- Nutritious and palatable grazing, but decreases under pressure
- Cool-season native perennial bunchgrass
- Flowering occurs in early June with seed usually maturing in late June or early July
- Deep, fibrous roots which may extend to a depth of 10 feet or more
- Green Needlegrass is very resistant to disease
- Important native of the Northern Great Plains
- Nassella Viridula grows on medium to fine-textured soils in both the True Prairie and Mixed Prairie.
- Occurs naturally on bottomlands and stream overflow areas
- Can be harvested for good quality hay in native grass mixtures
- For grazing, best used as part of a pasture mix
- Excellent recovery after grazing
Pure Stand Seeding Rate PLS lbs / acre: 8.0
Height: 3′
PLS=Pure Live Seed
$9.00 / Pure Live Seed Pound
Our native grass and wildflower species for sale come from Midwest growers and are adapted to the Upper Midwest. We meet all state and federal seed laws, and we do not sell seed contaminated with palmer amaranth. Midwest native grasses and forbs are priced by Pure Live Seed (PLS) per lb.