Viking 84-04 Non-GMO Seed Corn

104-Day CRM

Excellent Yield Potential for High Quality Grain

  • Excellent yields of high quality grain
  • Exhibits a girthy, semi-flex ear with high test weight grain
  • Good plant health, with high tolerance to Goss’s Wilt and Tar Spot
  • Medium-tall hybrid with strong stalk and roots
  • Best positioned in the central Corn Belt and east on medium-heavy soils


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Albert Lea Seed is 100% focused on giving you the best non-GMO corn available, and our Viking brand offers the leading non-GMO seed corn lineup in the Midwest. Our conventional, non-GMO seed corn is screened, trialed, and tested, and it holds yields with and often beats the best traited corn out there, including those from multinational companies. We source our germplasm from large and small breeding programs and run our own replicated testing program to compare all these hybrids. Sure, we are looking for the highest yield, but we are also screening hybrids for stalk and root strength, disease resistance, drought tolerance, and population tolerance. You deserve the best, so plant Viking seed corn.

Seed Treatments for Viking Conventional Non-GMO Corn

Nearly all of our conventional corn is treated with CruiserMaxx for Corn as well as two very effective biologicals.


  • Blend of carbohydrates, plant nutrients, enzymes, and plant and soil stimulants
  • Helps overcome stresses during germination, emergence, and early plant growth
  • Enhances biological activity and increase yields

SabrEx® for corn

  • Produces larger roots, improving nitrogen & water use efficiency
  • 10.4 bu/ac trial average over untreated (NDSU, 3 locations, 4 replications)
  • Proprietary mixture of Trichoderma mycorrhizal fungi
  • Improves stress resistance

CruiserMaxx® corn 250

  • Early-season protection from wireworms, black cutworms, and seed corn maggots
  • Broad-spectrum protection from seed-borne and soilborne fungal damping-off diseases
  • Increased plant stand, uniformity, vigor, and yield


Not available with John Deere Financing.
Available on corn, soybeans, and alfalfa seed only.
Credit card payments used in conjunction with an Early Pay discount subject to a 3% convenience fee.

Boxed Corn and Soybeans

SAVE $1 per unit when you buy your soybeans in 40 unit tote bags (no discount for boxes).

John Deere Financial Special Terms

Argus (Mercaris) Corn & Soybean Prices
