Blue Dirt Farm Field Day: Perennial Cover Crops and Turkey Integration on Farmland

Blue Dirt Farm Corner of 400th Ave & 60th St, 4 miles south of Blue Earth, Blue Earth, Minnesota

Learn about recent research on perennial cover crops and turkey integration through the following activities: Study site demonstration Turkey integration plot demonstration Soil respiration tests (microbial activity) SLAKE tests using [...]

Farm Innovation Expo 2024

2566 Rockwood Ave SW Cakato, MN

Albert Lea Seed is proud to be the title sponsor of the 2024 Farm Innovation Expo! This event was originally built with the Organic Farmer in mind. Organic Farmers are [...]

ISU Neely-Kinyon Field Day

2557 Norkfolk Ave Greenfield, Iowa

Albert Lea Seed is sponsoring this field day. Visit the 25 year organic and conventional LTAR trial and learn about the latest findings in organic research and crop protection.

OGRAIN Hoffman Organic Farm Field Day

Hoffman Organic Farm Earlville, IL

Let’s get together and talk cover crops while checking out fields at Hoffman Organic Farm. Co-sponsored with The Land Connection.

OGRAIN Organic Research Field Day

Arlington Agricultural Research Station 20 miles north of Madison, 1 mile west of State Hwy. 51, Columbia County, WI

Join OGRAIN for a look at organic research conducted at the University of Wisconsin and an introduction to some climate-smart commodities opportunities for farmers.

IOA Field Day: Seed Savers Exchange Facility & Farm Tour

Seed Savers Exchange 3094 N Winn Road, Decorah, Iowa

This field day at the renowned Seed Savers Exchange facility and farm includes a tour of the the vast production catalog and seed bank, on-site farms, processing areas, preservation garden, [...]

ALSH Field Day at North Fork Seed

Join Albert Lea Seed and Adam Roberts as we showcase Adams crops! Location: Across from 9559 N 1800 E Rd Fairbury, IL 61739 BBQ lunch is provided. RSVP to [...]