Best Use: Grazing, baleage.
Management: Begin grazing Epic BMR pearl millet at 24 – 30”. Can graze down to 6 inches if you then allow time for regrowth. Leaving 6” of stubble results in rapid recovery after cutting or grazing.
Planting Date‡: Mid-May – early July (soil 62°F+)
Seeding: ½”-1”deep. Drill at 15-20 lbs/acre. Broadcast at 25-30 lbs/acre.
$120.00 / 50lb Bag
Millets are some of the oldest of cultivated crops harvested for food or feed. The crop is favored due to its productivity and short growing season under dry, high-temperature conditions.
Multi-Cut Species
Single-Cut Species
Minimal regrowth that may be direct grazed.
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