Montech 4152 Field Peas

  • Yellow grain pea that can also be used for forage
  • A few days earlier in bloom than Montech 4193.
  • 4152 is high yielding and has dominated dryland yellow pea production
  • Ranked number one in many canopy trials for several years
  • Improved standability for easier harvest
  • Prefers neutral pH and well-drained soils
  • 1700-2500 seeds/lb

$28.00 / 50lb Bag



Planted early, field peas grow tall and leafy, and are tolerant to frost & drought.


Best Use: Can be grazed or harvested for grain or silage.

Requirements: Avoid wet ground. Prefers cool weather. Reduce planting rates when using as a cover crop for perennial forages. Inoculate before planting. Plant peas deep 1.5″ to 3″ deep.

Management: One-cut/graze crop; allow growth for maximum forage yield. Must be swathed for optimum grain yield.

Planting Date: March – April or Aug 1 – Sept 15 (southern MN). If spring seeding, seed as early as possible.

Seeding: 50-75 lbs/acre along with 75-100 lbs/acre of small grain for forage or 150-200 lbs/acre alone for grain.
