Organic Rushmore Oats

  • Excellent yield and test weight
  • Medium maturity
  • Medium-tall height with good standability
  • Consistently heavy test weight
  • Above average crown rust resistance and excellent resistance to BYDV
  • Released by SDSU


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Oats are a vital part of strong farming systems, and we carry a wide selection of organic and conventional, non-GMO spring oat seed varieties to meet any production need. Whether you aim to produce milling-quality oats, maximize bushels for animal feed, provide a nurse crop for alfalfa or forages, plant an economical cover crop, use spring oats for hay, produce straw, or meet a niche, food-grade market, we have the best adapted spring oats for sale to meet your farm goals.

Organic Rushmore Oats
Performance Table
VarietySeed ColorMaturityPlant HeightStraw StrengthTest Wt.Grain Millers Approved?Crown RustBYDV2024 Yield (bu/A)Avg. Yield 3-Year (bu)
Organic Rushmore OatsWhiteMedMed-TallAvg37.7Yes54148.5149.4
Organic Sumo OatsWhiteEarlyMediumVery Strong37.7Yes34138.2132
Reins OatsWhiteEarlyShortVery Strong37.3Yes64139.7134.9
Organic Reins OatsWhiteEarlyShortVery Strong37.3Yes64139.7134.9
Rushmore OatsWhiteMedMed-TallAvg37.7Yes54148.5149.4
ND Heart OatsWhiteMed-LateMed-TallAvg36.8No44138.2133.4
Organic ND Heart OatsWhiteMed-LateMed-TallAvg36.8No44138.2133.4
SD Buffalo OatsWhiteMed-LateMed-TallStrong36.9Yes4ID145.5152.3
Organic SD Buffalo OatsWhiteMed-TallMed-TallStrong36.9Yes4ID145.5152.3
Mink OatsYellowLateMed-TallStrong35.1No2id172166
Organic Streaker Hulless OatsNAEarly MedAvg42.1No54105.8105.9
Streaker Hulless OatsNAEarlyMedAvg42.1No54105.8105.9
George Forage OatsNAVery LateVery TallIDNANAIDIDNANA
Cover Crop OatsVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesNoSusceptibleNANANA
Organic Cover Crop OatsVariesVariesVariesVariesVariesNoSusceptibleNANANA

Spring Oats

Oats are an annual cereal grain that can be used as a nurse crop to establish alfalfa, chopped for livestock feed, or raised for grain. Spring oats are planted very early in the spring, are tolerant to cold, fast establishing, and mature in the middle of the summer. We are a dedicated supporter of oat breeding at the University level and carry a diverse selection of oat varieties to suit any purpose.

Planting: Oats should be drilled 1-2 in. deep into a firm seedbed in early spring.

Planting Rate (straight for grain/forage): 80-110 lbs. (3 bu/A).

Planting Rate (with alfalfa): 40-50 lbs (1½ – 2 bu/A).

