New Zealand White Clover


  • Tolerates drought conditions better than White Dutch and is more vigorous
  • Tolerates a wide range of soils
  • Excellent tolerance to grazing
  • Ideal for living mulch or green manure
  • Inoculated with PreVail (OMRI-listed)



White Clovers

Perennial clovers that spread via stolons above ground. More persistent than red clovers. Tolerate field traffic and moist conditions. Types of white clovers include:

  • White Dutch: short plant but has greatest persistence and winter hardiness
  • New Zealand: intermediate in height, flowers profusely, has some heat tolerance
  • Ladino: fixes the most nitrogen, is taller and higher yielding but less persistent than White Dutch

Best Use: Excellent choice for beef or dairy pastures to increase productivity, palatability, intake, protein, and energy. Not a good choice for horse pastures. Can cause bloat.

Adaptation: Widely adapted, easy to establish. Prefers medium to heavy soils. Avoid droughty soils.

Planting Date: February – May, July 15 – August 30. Can be frost-seeded.

Seeding: 6-8 lbs/acre straight or 1-3 lbs/acre in a mix. Drill or broadcast. Do not plant deeper than ¼ in. Smaller seed than red clover. Most white clovers are aggressive; keep seeding rates low.
