Pardus combines a very high yield potential with strong resistances to diseases and good persistence. Particularly, the constant yields in summer use lead to an balanced and high potential yield. In addition, Pardus stands out from the concurrence through its good persistence. Pardus shows a good resistance against leaf diseases such as rust and mainly leaf spots
$30.00 – $225.00
Highly productive, winter-hardy, perennial bunch grass with long and slender, bright green, and succulent leaves. Softer-leaved and more palatable than tall fescue. More persistent than perennial ryegrass with equal nutrition but stronger summer production under hot, dry conditions.
Best Use:
Long-term pasture mixes or alfalfa companion. Begin grazing at 6-8”and remove animals when the grass is down to 3-4”.
Grows in cool, moist conditions, and tolerates wet soils with occasional flooding. Can reach 30” tall in rich soil.
Yield may be less than tall fescue but animal intake / performance should be higher due to increased palatability.
Planting Date:
March-May, Aug. 1-31
Seeding: 20 lbs/acre alone or 6-12 lbs/acre in a mix.
Include meadow fescue in any mixture for hay or pasture to improve palatability and tonnage.
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