The Meadowlark’s Call
By Mad Agriculture
Albert Lea Seed is proud to partner with Mad Agriculture to bring the story of John and Halee Wepking at Meadowlark Mill & Farm to the small screen.
Halee and John Wepking’s relationship to their land and growth within their community is a tale of unexpected life changes and mentorship. When their experienced teacher Paul Bickford passed away in 2022, Halee and John immediately were thrust into a position of leadership and responsibility. Set in the Driftless Region of Wisconsin, this story of farmers turned regional leaders illustrates the power of community, commitment and—well—heritage wheat.
We’ve been working with John and Halee since the early days of their transition from NYC kitchen to rural Wisconsin dairy farm. We’re both fans of theirs professionally and personally, as many of our staff members are regular customers of Meadowlark Mill & Farm. When we heard the folks at Mad wanted to do a story on them, we jumped at the chance to get involved. Elia Romano, Sales Leader and Co-owner, and Cole Thompson, Marketing Leader, even stopped by during filming to visit Wepkings and the crew.
Special thanks to John and Halee, as well as Jonnah, Kirk and Jane from Mad Agriculture.