The Return of the Prodigal Agronomist
We are very happy to announce the re-hiring of Matt Leavitt!
He’s back! Matt Leavitt, Organic Agronomist, re-joined the Albert Lea Seed team.
Just in time for the new year, Matt has returned to take over some of his previous duties (in combination with Bairet Eiter and Margaret Snith) and he will be adding some new tasks (notably Organic Small Grain product selection and production).
The new Agronomy team will be cross-functional, but we are going to create a “lead” for each area:
- Jake Hansen, Product Manager and Conventional Corn & Soybean Agronomy (Jake is also going to become involved in Hybrid Seed corn production).
- Matt Leavitt, Organic & Transitional Agronomy and Organic Small Grain Seed Production
- Bairet Eiter, Cover Crop Agronomy & Product Manager (with a continuing role in Organic & Transitional Agronomy)
- Margaret Smith, Forage Agronomist (with a continuing role in Organic & Transitional Agronomy)
I think this puts us in a really good position to help our customers make good product and management decisions. The hard work is translating all this knowledge into communications that provide timely, accurate, and compelling information to our sales team, our dealers, and ultimately our customers.
Happy Holidays to all!
– Mac Ehrhardt