Trailblazer Switchgrass

Excellent Pasture Variety
  • ‘Trailblazer’ trailblazer was released as an improved variety for pasture grass in the Central Great Plans and adjacent midwestern states.
  • Similar to ‘Pathfinder’ in maturity, appearance, and area of adaptation, but has greater digestibility, palatability, and hardiness for northern states.
  • 1984 Release from USDA-ARS and Nebraska Agriculture Research Division

Pure Stand Seeding Rate PLS lbs / acre: 6.0

Height: 4′-6′

PLS=Pure Live Seed

$16.00 / Pure Live Seed Pound


Our native grass and wildflower species for sale come from Midwest growers and are adapted to the Upper Midwest. We meet all state and federal seed laws, and we do not sell seed contaminated with palmer amaranth. Midwest native grasses and forbs are priced by Pure Live Seed (PLS) per lb.
